XVIII Међународни конгрес хришћанске археологије

Рано хришћанство између литургијске праксе и свакодневног живота

XVIII Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Cristiana

Il primo Cristianesimo tra la pratica liturgica e la vita quotidiana

XVIII International Congress of Christian Archaeology

Early Christianity between Liturgical Practice and Everyday Life


Belgrade, 2-6 September 2024


The Institute of Archaeology has the opportunity to host the most important International Congress of Christian Archaeology in 2024. The congress has a special place in the field of early Christian archaeology and late antiquity, with a tradition established in 1894. The 18th International Congress of Christian Archaeology in Belgrade in 2024 will be organised by the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade, in cooperation with the main institutions of protection, culture and education in the Republic of Serbia. It will be an exceptional contribution to the promotion and presentation of Christian cultural heritage, which will be followed by the organisation of a thematic exhibition at the National Museum in Belgrade and regional museums, the publication of a monograph and the organisation of excursions to late antique sites.
The congress will contribute to the promotion of Christian heritage in Serbia, as well as early Christian monuments, martyrdom testimonies and works of art.

History of International congresses of Christian archaeology (CIAC):

I – Spalato-Salona 20-22 agosto 1894
II – Roma 17-25 aprile 1900
III –Ravenna 25-30 settembre 1932
IV – Roma 16-22 ottobre 1938
V – Aix-en- Provence 13-19 settembre 1954
VI – Ravenna 23-30 settembre 1962
VII – Trier 5 -11 settembre 1965
VIII – Barcellona 5-11 ottobre 1969
IX –
Roma 21-27 settembre 1975

X – Thessalonique  28 settembre – 4 ottobre 1980
XI – Lyon, Vienne, Grenoble, Genève et Aoste 21-28 settembre 1986
XII – Bonn 22-28 settembre 1991
XIII – Split – Poreč   25 settembre 1 ottobre 1994
XIV – Vienna 19-26 settembre 1999
XV – Toledo 8-12 settembre 2008
XVI – Roma 22-28 settembre 2013
XVII – Utrecht-Nimega 2-6 luglio 2018


Event Speakers

Dr. Gabriele Castiglia

Prof.ssa Chiara Cecalupo


Arheološki institut
Kneza Mihaila 35/4
11000 Beograd, SERBIA

Phone: 011/2637-191 011/2184-945
Fax: 011/2180-189

www.ai.ac.rs | institut@ai.ac.rs

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