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Dear 18CIAC participants,

With great pleasure, hereby we would like to inform you about several opportunities that the Institute of Archaeology has provided in order to enrich your Congress participation and your stay in Belgrade – Serbia.

– Thanks to the National Tourism Organization of Serbia, within the Congress materials you will find valuable maps and promotional materials of rich Serbian cultural heritage for this or another one of your visits to Serbia.

– Thanks to the collaboration with the Tourist Guides Association of Serbia and The Temple of Saint Sava, there will be organized a free guided tour of the St. Sava temple for Congress participants on 2nd September at 18.00 (6 PM) – sharp. The meeting point will be at the main entrance of the St. Sava Temple. Your guide will be Bojana Šestović, a classical philologist. In order to participate in this tour, you have to bring with you your Congress name tag. The tour will end at 20.00 (8 PM) – at the latest, at the same spot, St. Sava Temple and you will be free to organize your time afterwards.


– Also thanks to the collaboration with the Tourist Guides Association of Serbia, a free guided tour of the Belgrade city center will be provided to Congress participants on 6th September at 18.00 (6 PM). The meeting point will be at the Plateau – the main entrance of the Faculty of Philosophy, your guide will be Jelena Petrović, an art historian. In order to participate in the tour, you have to bring with you your Congress name tag. The tour will end at 20.00 (8 PM) – approximately, at the Kalemegdan fortress and you will be free to organize your time afterwards.


– Thanks to the Serbian Orthodox Church Museum, during the Congress 2-6 September, from 10 AM to 3 PM, you will be able to visit the Museum free of charge. The entrance pass is your Congress name tag. Please be sure to bring it with you. The visit does not necessarily include a custodian or a guide. Please use the main entrance to the Museum.


We are looking forward to welcoming you!

The Organizing Committee of CIAC 18

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